Today’s photos are additions to a previous post written in 2013 about Tie Phenomenon in dogs.

The Tie Phenomeno The Tie Phenomenon (5/3/2013) - It’s the mating season for dogs again; and since females dogs (bitches) mate twice per year, we are no strangers to the Tie Phenomenon. This Phenomenon occurs when dogs get stuck together from 15 minutes to an hour. I understand that during mating, a dog’s penis will only become swollen and erect when it is […]

Anyway, below are the photos of our more recent dogs mating.
Tie Phenomenon

When dogs mate they form a genital lock during which the penis is so swollen within the vagina that the pair cannot separate.

This getting stucked (or locked, or knotted) during copulation is called a “tie” known as the Tie Phenomenon.

Tie Phenomenon

The tie is also referred to as the mating tie and copulatory tie.

Tie Phenomenon

Tie Phenomenon

During copulation, both dogs will get locked from their rear ends and will normally turn their backs to each other.

Tie Phenomenon

The mating dogs will stand nearly motionless for a period lasting from 5 – 30 minutes.

Tie Phenomenon

If there is any movement, it is the female, most times, that moves about due to pain, panic and various other reasons.

Tie Phenomenon
Male dog checking on squirming female dog

The female dog may also turn around to clean herself after ejaculation is complete.

Tie Phenomenon Tie Phenomenon

I read that owners should never try to separate their mating dogs since both dogs may get hurt if you do so. Both dogs will separate on their own, without any intervention.

However, in Jamaica, some persons will throw water at mating dogs to successfully separate them.

Tie Phenomenon
Female dog pulling away from male to separate from him

Tie Phenomenon

Our dogs were at it again, mating at the end of July through to the first week of August. Approx. 200 days since the final date they last mated.Mating dogs Even their 20-week old puppies were spectators of this Tie Phenomenon. Mating dogsAt the request of a few readers, we include the following photos of the male dog after copulation.

Then nine weeks later, on September 29th, our dog had her second litter of puppies.

new born puppy
A puppy, a few minutes old

This time around, instead of eight, our dog had four puppies.One week old puppies

One week old puppies
One week old puppies (Oct. 5, 2020)


More reading:
